SITPLUS project

SITPLUS is a free software (GNU GPL) framework whose main goal is to provide ludic-therapeutic activities for people with disabilities. It offers new forms of interaction based on computer vision, voice and other peripherals to produce a result in the form of image and sound. Inspired by the cause and effect applications, SITPLUS provides a tool for continuous and remote interaction, attainable to the majority of people with cognitive, sensory and physical disabilities.

SITPLUS screenshot


  • Interaction based on motion picked up using a camera or a Wii Remote controller, and the user's own voice.

    • Motion can be turned into MIDI sound and graphics. Specifically, a MIDI note player and a simple graphical engine are provided. Both can be customized adding new scores, pictures and behaviours.

    • User's voice can be used to control the graphical output. Additionally, the voice can be processed using digital effects such as reverberation, echo or pitch shift before sending it back to the loudspeakers.

    • Different inputs methods can be used simultaneously.

    • Built-in scores and image banks.

  • Graphical UI which allows to tune the behaviour of the software in real-time.

  • Modular design which allows to develop new activities using a data-flow based scripting language.

  • Compatible with GNU/Linux and Windows.


Downloads page.


SITPLUS manual



2009-10 Fundación Númen (in Spanish).

How to contribute

There are several ways to support SITPLUS project:

  • Report your experiences and ask your questions using the forums.

  • Provide bugs reports or request new features using the tracker.

  • Spread the word.

  • Join the development team. Contact us.

  • Donate money.

  • We are also evaluating the possibilities of providing commercial support, training and development services. To get a better understanding of the feasibility, please let us know if you have a need for this type of services.

Project origin

SITPLUS was born as a research project in the Cerebral Palsy Centre APPC of Tarragona (Spain) in collaboration with CREA Software Systems and others. SITPLUS is the result of more than three years of research, development and direct intervention with people with cerebral palsy in the APPC in the context of the SATI project.

Inspired by the cause and effect applications, SITPLUS provides a tool for continuous and remote interaction, attainable to the majority of people with multiple disabilities. It was conceived in the APPC in late 2007 to try to provide a tool to the group of people whose combination of motor, cognitive and even sensory limitations prevented them from accessing other commonly used tools. Experimental sessions, conducted in the laboratory that the APPC has devoted to this project, show that this tool not only promotes participation, engagement and play for many people with moderate to severe impairments, but is also very motivating for users with mild impairments.

SATI laboratory at APPC .


SITPLUS is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3. SITPLUS is copyright (c) 2010-11 Cesar Mauri and the Associació Provincial de Paràlisi Cerebral (APPC) de Tarragona

With the support of

Fundació puntCAT


Acció Social Generalitat Catalunya